Lukerya Ilyashenko, best known for her roles on Instalife and Happy End TV shows as well as several feature films by Russian directors, boasts over 470,000 followers on Instagram with her modelling photos in various settings and fashions.
Lukerye (lekrie) is an astrological name of Greek origin derived from glyceria, meaning white in Latin. This name is linked with Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty in Ancient Greece; additionally it was given as one of Novgorod Saint’s names – righteous Glyceria of Novgorod. According to its meaning this suggests a girl bearing this name tends to be gentle but vulnerable at an early age but over time grows into becoming independent individual with disciplined emotions as mature individuals with mature years she becomes self-control her emotions more effectively while creating serious personalities that develop into mature personalities over time.
On a cold and stormy Good Friday afternoon, seminary student Ivan Velikopolsky was walking home along a path through water meadows. While reflecting upon how similar his experience was to what had been experienced by historical figures like Peter the Great when they were growing up in Russia. En route, he met widows Vasilisa and Lukerya tending their vegetable plots on the meadow; joining them around a campfire, conversation turned toward Gospels while Vasilisa burst out crying while Lukerya stared oddly as though trying to hide her feelings; ultimately Lukerya seemed uncomfortable enough with herself that she attempted to hide her discomfort by looking away.