The unicorn is a magical, mythical creature that captures both children’s imaginations and that of adults alike. Representing beauty and adventure, these adorable tales will surely charm young readers while teaching them lessons of friendship, perseverance and following your dreams.
Unicorngirlss refers to single women seeking relationships as part of threesomes, commonly known as being part of the “Unicorn Hunter” scene. This trend has become increasingly prevalent within both Poly and swinger communities and these individuals use hookup apps such as Tinder or Bumble in search of partners in these relationships.
When women seek out Unicorn relationships, it’s essential that both parties involved understand the inherent power imbalance associated with such arrangements and that all parties involved agree upon terms and expectations prior to engaging in one.
Last but not least, it is crucial that both Unicorns and couples show genuine interest in one another rather than simply looking for quick sexual experiences with new partners. Some Unicorns have reported being treated like objects when that was never what they expected from their relationships; clear communication on expectations between partners will help avoid such circumstances.