Unicorngirlss is a free online game where you can interact with three beautiful unicorn princesses who all possess bold personalities and strive to prove they truly represent what a Unicorn is! Dress them up and enjoy this fantastical fantasy experience – have fun!
Problematic is that, while it is widely discouraged in non-monogamy circles, many couples still seek out non-monogamous partners to add to their triad. Perhaps as an attempt to spice up sex life or as a means to help navigate difficult periods in their relationship; either way, they create an enclosed space for the person joining them and ask them to accept that space as happily as they possibly can.
Couples also often fall prey to the mythical belief that relationships need to be “fair”. While this might not necessarily be detrimental, this belief stems from the concept of binary gender roles – both parties should recognize that people don’t become equal just by joining forces; honesty must be observed on all fronts for this relationship to work effectively.
Poly couples understand the importance of building their community and having people around who can call out inappropriate behavior when it arises, which is why many use ordinal language referring to their “Primary”, one or more “Secondaries”, and even potentially some who act in a Tertiary role.