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Jigoro Kano first created ju-jitsu as a martial art and self defense system through Randori practice with resisting partners. Judo later developed from it, eventually giving way to other styles such as Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). Today ju-jitsu can also be found as part of modern self defense systems as well as police tactics.
Jiu-jitsu in Japan has earned itself the name “gentle art,” since it does not aim to neutralize strength with force, but instead redirects an opponent’s energy against themselves. This allows smaller, weaker individuals to defeat larger adversaries more easily.
The Gracie family of Brazil refined the art through no-rules fights and street fighting. Rolls Gracie began to codify and develop the rules and techniques of Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the early 1970s; he also initiated point and rule systems specifically tailored for competition within this art. Today, Brazilian jiu-jitsu is by far the most widely practiced style with thousands of academies worldwide offering it.