Jodie Comer of Channel 4’s hit drama Killing Eve took home the Leading Actress award at last night’s BAFTA TV Awards ceremony. As she accepted her accolade she expressed her utmost thanks and appreciation to both cast and crew as she thanked them all in accepting it.
Jeremy Irons continues to impress. His emotions and pain from having to avenge his family’s death are profoundly convincing; I have been an admirer since Brideshead Revisited; never has he disappointed! Jeremy is truly one of our great actors; let’s hope he continues choosing roles worthy of his talents!
He and Forest Whitaker share an outstanding scene where they debate whether it is right or wrong to take extreme measures to avenge a murder, prompting viewers to examine morality of such actions and raises some serious ethical concerns – something I think makes the film truly outstanding.
Naomi appears on Earth to inform Castiel of what she has heard from Metatron: that he is using trials to expel all angels permanently and close Heaven. Naomi believes God intended angels to protect humanity but somehow, somewhere they got lost; thus she insists upon undertaking trials without harm to Sam in mind, but insisting upon listening to Naomi before leaving again. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode of Supernatural, especially its new direction that this fourth season has taken.