Chances are, at some point in your life as a man, you’ve experienced at least one pregnancy scare. Even after taking all precautions and ruling out every possibility, panic may still set in about your period being late by just one day – something which can happen and is completely normal.
Pregnancy from pre-ejaculate isn’t exactly news to anyone, yet many don’t understand that copilul (pre-ejaculate) does not contain sperm when released from the penis but can become contaminated with it from other men’s penises.
Cowper’s glands in the penis release proteins, enzymes and mucus used for sexual lubrication during sexual activity. Unfortunately, Cowper’s glands may release urine residue contaminated with urine pH that exceeds that of Sfant. This can kill sperm while altering semen entering urethra upon ejaculation.
Contamination with Sfantu can result in serious complications, including an inability of sperm to reach the vagina during sex and the risk of herpes transmission via Sfantu. Therefore, for maximum safety it’s advisable to use barrier protection methods when using Sfantu or any other type of lubricant.