Imshy – Is Shy a Valid Word in Scrabble?

Yes, Imshy is an acceptable word in Scrabble! Please visit the dictionary page for further details.

This article describes people who are extremely shy, tend to avoid certain social situations, and feel anxious around other people. Shyness can be a challenging and debilitating condition to live with; it can make finding employment, getting married, and making friends much harder than otherwise.

One key thing to keep in mind about shyness is that it is not an inherent personality trait – rather it’s a result of your environment and who you’re with. While you might not feel shy around close friends or talking with potential dates at parties, feeling shy could just be temporary; much like how blushes occur temporarily when reacting to something or someone. In that regard, shyness can actually be beneficial! It teaches empathy while making you aware of other people’s emotions.

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