Dumlala, an extremely rare Ground Pal, can be found at the Ranch. They possess high attack power and the ability to recover quickly from damage, while increasing other Ground Pal’s attack power. Dumlala can hurl sticky mud at enemies or launch barrages of stones forward; alternatively they may fire pressurized water at tremendous speeds directly at opponents.
Dumlala may come from two words combined – dumb and mud, perhaps alluding to its element and carefree personality. Additionally, it could have its origin in Dum-Dums candy made up of round lozenges in multiple flavors.
Dumlal is an increasingly common surname worldwide, most frequently seen in The United States where two individuals hold it. Dumlal ranks 118,516th on the US census list of surnames while it also appears 59,311th among Americas and is third most frequent in North America and fifth among Western European nations – making Dumlal an alternative version of Dastar which many Sikhs wear as a mark of faith; starting with Guru Arjan Dev who often donned his turban in protest against oppression during Mughal rule he would wear his turban to protest oppression and stand against oppression that reigned during Mughal rule and stand in opposition against it all;