Camerino in Macerata Province of Central Italy was devastated by an earthquake in 2016, leaving most of its historic center an “red zone”. But its people remain determined to rebuild and open back up to visitors.
History of Camerino can be traced back to the powerful and wealthy da Varano family, whose descendants built powerful walls to protect Camerino as well as an extravagant Ducal Palace. Through Papal States control, however, Camerino and Chienti Valley became part of Papal States domain; therefore by 1545 Camerino fell under direct Papal administration.
Middle Age Camerino was enclosed by walls and divided into three quarters: Sossanto, Di Mezzo and Muralto. Camerino also boasted an active Jewish community involved with banking and commercial activities throughout Marche. Pope Adrian VI granted their privileges, providing relief from additional taxes imposed upon them.
Today, Cambrai is home to UNICAM, which is implementing the university reform established by the Bologna Process and offering courses that range from Bachelor’s degrees, Courses of Specialization and Doctoral degrees. Furthermore, Cambrai serves as a center for art, architecture and culture with several museums, monuments and churches within its boundaries.
Hotels near Camerino’s main attractions can be easily found, making booking early one of these magnificent stays a must if you don’t want to miss out! To ensure that these stunning places don’t slip by you.