Ball Belly Bearor, is a small brown bear with a round belly and large paws, who was part of Arikara tribes located in present-day North Dakota. As both warrior and medicine man, they used their bearskin in battle as an indication of strength while also using it to treat various illnesses using his bearskin medicine. He became revered among their tribe members due to his outstanding battle prowess and expertise at curing people using bearskin remedies.
Bear bile was once used in traditional medical practice to fight fevers and detoxify, treat heat-type carbuncles, pyocutaneous diseases, liver-fire excess, typhoid, cholecystitis and hernias of gall bladder walls as well as to fight heat type carbuncles.
When she enters waste pools, Mega Mama may transform into her Mega Mama form or transform into various other shapes at will, including an oversized head/body and spiked ball combination or one with arm appendages. When combined with Trigger Teddies she could represent Ludilophobia, Pediophobia, Arkoudaphobia or Tokophobia; her skin may contain food stains which recall Dread Duckies and Hangry the Pig’s food-stained skin.