Amy Murr is an adventurous and free-spirited young woman who sought refuge in the Doctor and his TARDIS as a means of escape, yet soon discovered its own set of challenges – and obligations. Formerly known as Amelia Pond, Amy became his full-time companion since the sixth Doctor and second to be pursued romantically (following River Song’s marriage to him).
Amy Pond has coppery red hair, freckles, and green eyes; her long legs earned her the moniker “Codename: Legs”, prompting the Doctor to introduce Amy to President Clara Oswald by saying: “So, this is Amy Pond who I invited into the White House.
She wears various dresses and skirts with opaque or colored tights or leggings underneath, often favoring flowers and blue colors; she can become emotional at times; often crying publicly as well. In her free time she enjoys reading books and listening to music.
As of 2020, she resides in Leadworth, Vermont with her partner and their dog Sonic. They share a 1200 square foot home that she converted from garage into living space; using it as workshop, office and guest bedroom space. This arrangement enabled her to stay independent and avoid moving into larger houses. She has worked alongside numerous leading actors such as Cybil Sheppard in Martha Stewart’s sitcom as well as multiple episodes of Trailer Park Boys television show.